Highly Customised smiles for each patient
In design, small details matter big. Customized smiles make every patient feel and appear distinctive. It's the personal touch that makes a difference.
Shape my smile Additive approach using biometrics
Shape my smile is a completely digitalised, minimally invasive additive approach for restoring esthetics and function using natural teeth libraries.
Dentcof Case Study using Smilecloud
The unit of design in digital, Its atom, is strongly becoming the unique individual shape of a natural tooth. How does this impact the process?
Biometric Motivational Design
From a clinical relevance standpoint it is advisable to limit motivational mock-ups to additive or borderline additive cases. Read all about the indications, limitations and the management of reductive cases.
Predictability in direct restorations using Biometrics
A complete protocol for guided direct composites. Restore enamel as well as dentin, preserving shape and texture to achieve a natural and functional result.
Choosing and functionalizing libraries
In a nutshell, RAW is a library centric workflow, and as the name suggests, it is designed to preserve the shapes from the libraries and minimise the post-milling process.