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Cutting-edge 3D Smile Design with highly automated AI technologies creates a future where every smile is a masterpiece of personalization, and predictability.

Commitments towards next-gen Smile Design, connected workflows and working towards a single, common definition of success.

Easier to create a common perspective in a treatment, and gives more clarity to the people involved. Everyone is aligned to the same treatment goal.

Motion adds another layer of predictability in planning. After all, whatever we design, will go into millions of cycles of motion.

OTTO empowers teamwork by creating a common perspective for every member of the team, whether it's a restorative dentist, a technician, a surgeon, or the front desk.

OTTO empowers teamwork by creating a common perspective for every member of the team, whether it's a restorative dentist, a technician, a surgeon, or the front desk.

We use AI not to replace or automate user decisions, quite the opposite, we use AI to empower them. Every extra click feels and is creative. Its decision with real-time impact.

We've improved interface for more clarity, speed and ease of use. Dark mode, 3D scans with color, filters for file types, compare designs and more.

After almost losing 6000 patient files in a server crash, we needed a solution to bring everything and everyone together: data, team, patient and communication.